Keeping tables together on page break

Is there anyway to stopping a table from being split in two when it comes to the end of a page? Is it possible to get the amount of the page that has been taken up before you add something that will cause a page break so that you could compare it to the height of the new table?

Dear ConorMc,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

The IsBroken property is used to control the table splitting when it cones to the end of a page. It is not supported to get the amount of page that has been taken up before you add something.

It puts the broken table onto a new page but it also puts any subsequent tables onto a new page of their own. I’m using this code at the bottom of my functions to create tables, is it right :


If Table1.IsBroken = True Then

Table1.IsFirstParagraph = True

End If

Never mind I figured it out. IsBroken is defaulted to ‘true’ so you have to set it to ‘false’ before you start creating the table.

Is there a similar IsBroken function for a broken row?

Dear ConorMc,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

There is a IsRowBroken property to control the row split.

Is it then possible to set the row as the first on a new page without moving the whole table down?

Dear ConorMc,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Do you mean split a table manually? This is not supported. But I think this should be a useful feature and I will consider adding support for it later.

Yeah that I what I’m looking for. Thanks for your help.