Latest Aspose.Cells.msi download flagged as malicious by Symantec

I just downloaded the latest .NET Aspose.Cells.msi and Symantec Endpoint has flagged it as malicious and quarantined the file.

Symantec shows "Signature: WS.Reputation.1"

Is there a known component in this installer that could be giving a false positive on the virus scan? If so, I will bypass Symantec and run the installer. Or could this be a legitimate infection?


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.

Yes, it is false positive. We have fixed this warning lately.

Please download and try the latest version:
for .NET v7.3.1.7

and let us know your findings.

If such warning still occurs, please share your sample code and source/output xls/xlsx files.

The issue is with the full installer, not the dll only download.


Thanks for your clarification.

Well, no customer has reported this issue before and also there is no harmful component inside the Aspose.Cells.msi file so I think, you can safely extract the contents of Aspose.Cells.msi file.

You might also download couple of other msi files of older Aspose.Cells and of other components (Aspose.Words, Aspose.Slides etc) and find out what Symantec says.

In case, you find issues with other files too, please let us know, we will look into it why Symantec shows such a warning.

I downloaded aspose.cells for .net 7.3.0 msi and aspose.words for .net 11.7.0 msi

Both were flagged by Symantec as infected with “WS.Reputation.1” just as with the new aspose.cells msi.

We are using Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.671.4971

This is the details Symantec provides regarding the “WS.Reputation.1” threat.


Thanks for sharing your findings.

After reading your given article, I found, that this warning is not because of some real threat, it is just a speculation based on the Norton’s own way of calculating reputation score.

So you can safely ignore it.

If you believe that a program has been incorrectly classified by the Symantec reputation-based security system, then you may submit a dispute using this Web form.