License is ambiguous

C:\VisualStudio\eMap.v.2\PrintReports.vb(193): ‘license’ is ambiguous, imported from the namespaces or types ‘Aspose.PowerPoint, System.ComponentModel’.

is the error I am getting on the

Dim license As license = New license

line in the Public Sub New(). The demo works and I seems to have the same elements in my other program, but I get this error. Does it have to do with the upgrade to version

Am I missing a DLL file?

Did you check
Using Your License - Purchase -

This is my code and the path is specific.

Dim license As license = New license

license.SetLicense(dbpath & “Aspose.PowerPoint.lic”)

Try full class name as written in Wiki:

Dim license As Aspose.PowerPoint.License = New Aspose.PowerPoint.License
license.SetLicense(dbpath & “Aspose.PowerPoint.lic”)


The error is gone, now I just need to prepare my PPT.

Thanks again.