License update issue


We are trying to update our license and are having a problem. We are using:


When we add the new license file, the method License.getIsLicensed() returns false. And our documents are truncated with the message:
“This document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation Mode.”

The license we have has this expiry: 20240427

Is this version still supported with the license we have? Our current license runs out next week and so we really need to resolve this soon in order that our live service is not broken.



PS here is our licence with sensitive info removed:

    <LicenseType>Site OEM</LicenseType>
    <LicenseNote>Up To 10 Developers And Unlimited Deployment Locations</LicenseNote>
    <OEM>This is a redistributable license</OEM>
      <Product>Aspose.Words for Java</Product>

When you buy an Aspose license all the versions released before to expiration date are supported.

Usually, when you load an invalid license, the method throws an exception. Are you receiving any exceptions? If not, can you please verify that you are correctly loading the license file? You can check our guide for more information.

Thanks for you promt reply!

I have checked and see this excpetion:

Failed to load aspose license from /etc/aspose.lic Signature length not correct: got 256 but was expecting 128
 at com.aspose.words.zzZKX.zzZ(Unknown Source)
 at com.aspose.words.zzZKX.zzW(Unknown Source)
 at com.aspose.words.zzZKX.zzX(Unknown Source)
 at com.aspose.words.zzZKX.zzY(Unknown Source)
 at com.aspose.words.License.setLicense(Unknown Source)
 at scot.mygov.housing.AsposeLicense.loadLicense(
 at scot.mygov.housing.AsposeLicense.<init>(
 at scot.mygov.housing.HousingModule.asposeLicense(
 at scot.mygov.housing.HousingModule_AsposeLicenseFactory.asposeLicense(
 at scot.mygov.housing.HousingModule_AsposeLicenseFactory.get(
 at scot.mygov.housing.HousingModule_AsposeLicenseFactory.get(

@davidsinclairgov Could you please send us the problematic license via private message in the forum? We will check the issue and provide you more information.

Additionally, can you please post the code that you are using to apply the license.

@davidsinclairgov Usually such issue occurs when a new license is used with old version of Aspose.Words (pre 17.10.0 version). The licensing mechanism has been improved after 17.10 version and new licenses no longer work with old versions of Aspose.Words. You should use your old license with the old version of Aspose.Words and new license with the new version.

FYI @eduardo.canal

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Thanks for the info.

I have tried different versions of Aspose to established that the oldest version that will load our new license is 18.8 … I see this in the release notes which seem to chime with the exception I am getting:

Change SHA-1 to SHA-256 and public asymmetric key from 1024 to 2048 for the license mechanism

Unfortunately even although the license load with this version I am seeing a bug in our form (the numbering in a table of contents is wrong). We want to upgrade but in the short term is it possible to give us a license in the old format so that we can release before our current license expires? We can then work on properly testing our forms and ensuring that there are now other issues with our forms introduced by the upgrade.

If this is not possible I will post another thread with the details of the issue we are seeing (the numbering in our table of contents resets for each Section break in the document).



@davidsinclairgov Your license allows updating to the latest version of Aspose.Words. Do you see the problem in the latest version too? If so please create another topic and attach your input and output document along with code that will allow us to reproduce the problem. This will help us to improve the product.


I have posted this new topic explaining the issue that we have with an example input and output. Hopefully we can get a resolution for this problem and be able to upgrade to the most recent issue.

Our license does expire soon though, is there any way to give is a license that will work with out current version?

Thanks for your help,


@davidsinclairgov Thank you for additional information. I have managed to reproduce the problem and logged it into our defect database.

Regarding the license, you actually do not need a new license, you can use your old license with your old version of Aspose.Words perpetually.

Ah, thanks for this information - it will give us time to get a resolution.

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