I notice in some PDF with LinkAnnotations pointing another page inside the document, the PageNumber property in LinkAnnotation.Destination attribute is always 0. Destination is implemented by XYZExplicitDestination.
Note the Action attribute is null.
How can I get the page pointed by the link annotation?
Here is a sample PDF to illustrate.
Uploading: PDFReference.pdf…
Would you please also share the sample code that you have been trying? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.
Here is a sample code to illustrate.
foreach (var annotationIn in pdfPage.Annotations)
if (annotationIn is LinkAnnotation link)
if (link.Destination != null && link.Destination is XYZExplicitDestination xyzDestination)
var pageNumber = xyzDestination.PageNumber; // always 0. Note link.Destination.Page is null
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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-58993
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