As in attached worksheet, the column ( like G) is specified as list validation, but I still can enter any text and save to that column. Below is the code I used, please let me know if it's caused by my logic, or it's a known issue (I'm using
Range range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange(strColumnIndex+"1", strColumnIndex+"10");
range.Name = "listValidation" + strColumnIndex;
Validation validation = validations[validations.Add()];
validation.Type = Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.List;
validation.Operator = OperatorType.None;
validation.InCellDropDown = true;
validation.Formula1 = "=" + "listValidation" + strColumnIndex;
validation.ShowError = true;
validation.AlertStyle = ValidationAlertType.Stop;
validation.ErrorTitle = "Error";
validation.ErrorMessage = "Please select a color from the list";
CellArea area;
area.StartRow = 11;
area.EndRow = 5011; //STODO: decide the upper limit of exported user.
area.StartColumn = x;
area.EndColumn = x;
Thanks so much