LNK2019: Unresolved External Symbol | Load & Convert Word DOCX DOC Files in Memory using Aspose.Words for C++ API


I am trying to evaluate Aspose.Words for C++ in a console application. After adding references to include and lib folders and linking the libs, I am getting the following error:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol “protected: __cdecl Aspose::Words::Document::Document(bool)” (??0Document@Words@Aspose@@IEAA@_N@Z) referenced in function “class System::SmartPtr __cdecl System::MakeObject<class Aspose::Words::Document,char16_t const (&)[10]>(char16_t const (&)[10])” (??$MakeObject@VDocument@Words@Aspose@@AEAY09$$CB_S@System@@YA?AV?$SmartPtr@VDocument@Words@Aspose@@@0@AEAY09$$CB_S@Z) Aspose.Words for CPP D:\Aspose Works\Aspose.Words for CPP\Aspose.Words for CPP\Aspose.Words for CPP.obj 1


We have logged this problem in our issue tracking system. Your ticket number is WORDSCPP-996. We will further look into the details of this problem and will keep you updated on the status of the linked issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.


We will hopefully fix this issue (error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol) in the next version of Aspose.Words for C++ API. For now, you can use the following workaround:

Remove line 1269 Document(bool isLoadBlank); from include\Aspose.Words.Cpp\Model\Document\Document.h file

We will keep you posted here on any future updates and let you know when WORDSCPP-996 will be resolved.


It is to update you that the issue you had found earlier (filed as WORDSCPP-996) has now been fixed in this Aspose.Words for C++ 20.9 release.