Load only Word content and add to a new template

I have the need to migrate many word documents into a new format.
So my idea is:
- setup a new document word with new header, footer.
- create a program that load each old word document (content only, no header, no footer!)
- for each document load the new template word, insert the content and save to a new document.

Is that possible and do anyone have a sample for me?
I seek the documentation but only find part where I can add word to another.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Yves,

Thanks for your inquiry. The code should be very simple like this:

Document docOld = new Document(MyDir + @"old.docx");
Document docNew = (Document)docOld.Clone(true);
foreach (Section sec in docNew)
    // here you can set new header/footer per section
docNew.Save(MyDir + @"new.docx");

Also, please check following article for adding new headers/footers in new document:

How to Create Headers Footers using DocumentBuilder

Hope, this help.

Best regards,

thank you for the example.
Is it somehow possible then to load the header and footer from another document into memory so I can place them in the foreach part?

Best regards,Yves

Hi Yves,

Thanks for your inquiry. You can copy all headers/footers from one document to another using the following code:

// Open A document
Document docA = new Document(MyDir + "a.docx");
DocumentBuilder builderA = new DocumentBuilder(docA);
// Open B document
Document docB = new Document(MyDir + "b.docx");
// Loop through all sections in the B document
foreach (Section sectB in docB.Sections)
    Section sectA = null;
    int sectBIndex = docB.Sections.IndexOf(sectB);
    // Check whether document A conteins section with same index
    if (docA.Sections.Count > sectBIndex)
        // Get correcponding section
        sectA = docA.Sections[sectBIndex];
        // Insert empty section
        sectA = builderA.CurrentSection;
    // Loop throught all Headers/Footers in the B document
    foreach (HeaderFooter hfB in sectB.HeadersFooters)
        // Check whether current section from docA conteins
        // Header/Footer with the same type as h/f from docB
        if (sectA.HeadersFooters[hfB.HeaderFooterType] != null)
            // Append content from h/f B to h/f A
            foreach (Node childB in hfB.ChildNodes)
                // Import node
                Node childA = docA.ImportNode(childB, true, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting);
                // Appent node to h/f
            // Copy whole h/f
            Node hfA = docA.ImportNode(hfB, true, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting);
            // Insert h/f
// Save output document
docA.Save(MyDir + "out.docx");

Hope, this helps.

Best regards,


I tried your code and it works so far, but only for the first page header and footer.

I have documents where
- first header and footer differs from the following header/footers
- header and footer differs on even and odd pages

How can I replace those headers- and footers, too?

EDIT: I found out that my template just need the different header- / footer options as well.

Hi Yves,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please check PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter and PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter properties. Hope, this helps.

Best regards,