Loading Aspose.Total.Java.lic

How is it best way to load Aspose total license at once for any library belongs to the Total family.


You can apply license to each Aspose assembly by adding a couple of lines of code.
e.g. Apply license to Aspose.PDF for .NET assembly as follows:

Aspose.Pdf.License licensepdf = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
licensepdf.SetLicense(licBasePath + "Aspose.Total.lic"); 

Besides this, you need to set license once per application or process for each Aspose library. When you have applied a license as per application or process level, then you do not need to apply license again till the lifespan of the application. We recommend our clients to apply license in some common area of the application like application start event.


In addition to the previous reply. Please also consider the following:

If you are developing a Windows Form or console application, you must call the above code in your startup code i.e. before using any other API of the Aspose libraries. When developing an ASP.NET application, you must call the above code from Global.asax in the Application_Start protected method. It will be called once when the application starts. Do not call set license code from within Page_Load methods since it means the license will be loaded every time a web page is loaded.

As I mentioned in my issue title, we are using Total.Java.lic (Aspose for JAVA). However, my question was we are using all the Libraries like Aspose Words, Cells, Slides, Diagram, Project and even if I load the license at once in the beginning of the application.
Is it possible to load it at once as a Aspose.Total.Java.lic or do I have to load it differently for each Aspose library, even in the common/once loading?


You have to load the Aspose.Total.Java.lic license for each Aspose library individually. Because each library has its own License class to work with. For exmple:

For Aspose.Words: com.aspose.words.License
For Aspose.Cells: com.aspose.cells.License

Thanks, this is the answer.


Thank you very much for update.