Logging of all editing command to workbook?

Hi, we’re developing a concept for a LOB application where we serverside load a pre-made excel workbook, with some custom business logic in it. Our users can then “send” data via a UI, which we write to specific cells, recalculate the workbook and extract the results to the user. Advantage is, that the business logic can be kept in Excel, so the domain experts can maintain it without programming knowlegde, and the be “wrapped” via a UI.

Is there a handy way of logging all the edit commands that are sent to a workbook ? (for troubleshooting it would be handy if we could get a log of “these are all the editing commands that have happened to this workbook”… and perhaps replay them (think of eventsourcing)).



You mean via Aspose.Cells.Workbook? I am afraid, we do not provide such feasibility as built-in feature. We do not support to log all such operations for performance grounds. You can add your own codes to log what have done or doing. For example, if you called Cell.PutValue, you may log this operation type, cell.name and inserted value, etc. by yourselves using your own code.