MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions- Is there something wrong with my MailMerge Data Source

Hello there,

I am trying to run MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions against IMailMergeDataSource object but it seems there is some issue with my data source that I am not able to catch.

Here is the code snipper where I am calling .MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions():

private void ExecuteMailMerge()
    string[] mergeFields = objTemplateDocument.MailMerge.GetFieldNames();
    if (mergeFields.Count() > 0)
        objTemplateDocument.MailMerge.MergeField += new MergeFieldEventHandler(MailMerge_MergeField);
        objTemplateDocument.MailMerge.MergeImageField += new MergeImageFieldEventHandler(MailMerge_MergeImageField);

        PropertyMailMergeDataSource mmPropertyDataSource = new PropertyMailMergeDataSource("Properties");
        string[] mergeFieldsProperty = mergeFields.Where(x => (x.StartsWith("P") || x.StartsWith("Z") || x.StartsWith("T") || x.StartsWith("Image:") || x.Equals("APPLICANTS") || x.Equals("VENDORS")) && !x.StartsWith("TableStart:") && !x.StartsWith("TableEnd:")).ToArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < mergeFieldsProperty.Count(); i++)
            if (mergeFieldsProperty[i].StartsWith("Image:"))
                mergeFieldsProperty[i] = mergeFieldsProperty[i].Substring(6);

        foreach (IPropertyTransaction objProperty in propertyList)
            mmPropertyDataSource.AddItem(new object[]
            }, mergeFieldsProperty, null);
        ClientsMailMergeDataSource mmDataSource = new ClientsMailMergeDataSource(clientList, mmPropertyDataSource);

private void AddParentMergeRegion()
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(objTemplateDocument);
    docBuilder.ParagraphFormat.PageBreakBefore = true;
    docBuilder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD TableStart:Template", "½TableStart:Template╗");
    docBuilder.InsertField("MERGEFIELD TableEnd:Template", "½TableEnd:Template╗");

Please note that I am adding top level TableStart and TableEnd at run-time.
The child region “Properties” needs to be replicated for all the properties for each client.

I have attached following files for your reference:

  • Input Document (Applicant Properties.docx)
  • ClientsMailMergeDataSource.cs (Main Data Source file)
  • PropertyMailMergeDataSource.cs (Child Region Data Source file)

Could you please guide me what I am missing in running the mail merge.

Thank you!

Hi Nutan,

Thanks for your request. Why do you think that there is some problem with your mail merge data sources? Could you please describe your problem more specifically?
Also, please create a simple application, which will allow me to reproduce the problem on my side.
Best regards.

Thanks for your reply Alexey.

I am thinking so because I am not getting merged document as an output i.e. output document is same as my source document.

Can you please verify if my source document is correct to have TableStart:Template and TableEnd:Template which I am adding to the document at run-time?

Thank you!

Hi Nutan,

Thanks for your request. Your document seems to be correct. I tested it using the following simple example and all works fine.

// Open template.
Document doc = new Document(@"Test001\in.docx");
// Execute mail merge with regions.
// Save output document.
/// Returns dummy datasource, which contaion two tables with parent-child relationships.
/// The first table name is "Template", the child table name is "PROPERTIES".
private static DataSet GetData()
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    // Create two tables and add them into the data set.
    DataTable parent = new DataTable("Template");
    DataTable child = new DataTable("PROPERTIES");
    child.Columns.Add("parnetId"); // this column is needed to create relationshoip between tables.
    // Add tables into the data set and add relationship.
    ds.Relations.Add(parent.Columns["id"], child.Columns["parnetId"]);
    // Structure of our datasource is ready. Let's add some dummy data.
    Random rnd = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        parent.Rows.Add(new object[]
        string.Format("ATITLE#{0}", i),
        string.Format("ASURNAME#{0}", i)
        for (int j = 0; j < rnd.Next(1, 15); j++)
            child.Rows.Add(new object[] { i, string.Format("PSTREETNAME {0} {1}", i, j), "PVILLAGE", "PPROPERTYTITLE", "PPROPERTYACCOMMODATION", "PASKINGPRICE", "PREFERENCE" });
    return ds;

Best regards.

Thanks for the detailed code Alexey.
Yes, the mail merge run fine against your parent-child table data source.
However when I run against my data source, it is same… I don’t get any mail merge document

I have attached demo code with this post along with input file.
Both the data sources Parent+child implements IMailMergeDataSource.

Could you please have a look and let me know what I am missing.

Thank you!

Any update on this?

Hi Nutan,

Thank you for additional information. The template was not filled with data, because you missed to specify table name of ClientsMailMergeDataSourceDemo. Here is snippet of your code:

public class ClientsMailMergeDataSourceDemo: IMailMergeDataSource
    // Code here
    // ....................................
    string IMailMergeDataSource.TableName
            return "";

Also, you repeat the problem described here:
Best regards.

Hey Alexey,

Thanks for pointing that out. Good one!
All running fine.