Major issue (bug) with numeric bullets when converting to html!

Do you have an ETA for this ETA? :slight_smile:

Hi Omri,

I am in coordination with product team to get answer pertaining to your queries. Soon you will be updated with the required information.

Best regards,

Hi Omri,

We have found that the output looks as expected with ExportListLabels = ExportListLabels.AsInlineText mod as follows:

File.WriteAllText(@"E:\WordTest\1.htm", new Aspose.Words.Document(@"E:\WordTest\1.doc").ToString(
             new Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions
                 ExportImagesAsBase64 = true,
                 ExportHeadersFootersMode = Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.None,
                 ExportListLabels = ExportListLabels.AsInlineText

Please let us know if this solution is acceptable for you?

Best regards,

Thank you!
I can confirm that this solution is working.

Hi Omri,

Regarding WORDSNET-12982, our product team has completed the work on your issue and has come to a conclusion that this issue is actually not a bug. So, we have closed this issue as ‘Not a Bug’. Please use the code from the previous post to fix this issue.

Best regards,