Managing Excel Addins

dear Aspose.cells users,

My client has thousands of excel spreadsheets, containing third party Excel AddIns, located on several PC’s.
I would need to develop an automated tool that translate these third party Excel AddIns into Excel AddIns of another vendor.
Is this possible with Aspose.Cells ? Can I edit the excel spreadsheet that contains third party Excel AddIn and replace the content of the associated cell with another AddIn ?
Also, do the Excel AddIns need to be loaded when the conversion takes place ?

The spreadhseets also contain VBA code.
I understand Aspose.Cells cannot edit/modify the VBA code, but the existing VBA is maintained within the spreadhseet when saving. Please confirm.
Is there another way to edit/modify the associated VBA code ??




Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

Please see if the following post is helpful for you. Please elaborate your requirements more. We will look into your issue and help/advise you asap.

We support setting, reading and reading add-in functions.

you want to set add-in functions, please use
CellsHelper.AddAddInFunction(string function, int minCountOfParameters,
int maxCountOfParameters, ParameterType[] paramersType, ParameterType
fuctionValueType) method to add the functions to add-in functions list,
then Aspose.Cells can process an unknown functions as add-in functions,
otherwise it will be a macro function.

But we do not support to
calculate add-in functions, please use Workbook.CalculateFormula(bool
ignoreError, ICustomFunction customFunction) method and implement
calculating formulas in ICustomFunction by yourself.