
Is this list updated?
MyMapiMessage.Flags returns 196624 for a message.
What does it mean?

We have logged a ticket for your requirement as EMAILNET-40846. We will inform you once there is an update available on it.

just a note: I’ve seen many of such strange numbers, I say strange because they’re greater than the sum of the whole .Flags enums!

You will be informed via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

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Hi, just a follow-up, sorry if re-opened too many tickets, was just reviewing all my cases :slight_smile:

We have closed the ticket with ‘Won’t Fix’ resolution. The MapiMessageFlags.Flags value list is based on the Microsoft documentation.

We are assuming that the value of 196624 is wrong or undocumented, because the documentation does not contain such values and third party applications such as OutlookSpy and MFCMapi also cannot correctly recognize the values of the flags. see attachment.jpg (75.2 KB)