Maven Build issue with Java project

I am using aspose-pdf api in my project.

But the maven build is failing with message given below:

[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] error reading C:\Users<username>.m2\repository\com\aspose\aspose-pdf\17.9\aspose-pdf-17.9.jar; error in opening zip file
[ERROR] error reading C:\Users<username>.m2\repository\com\aspose\aspose-pdf\17.9\aspose-pdf-17.9.jar; error in opening zip file


Thanks for contacting support.

All Aspose APIs for Java have now been moved to Aspose Artifactory and can be referenced in Maven project by using this ( URL. Please update the URL in your pom.xml file and build the project. You can also visit Installation article in Aspose.PDF for Java API documentation, for more information. In case of any further assistance, please feel free to let us know.