Maven install with trial version


I’m currently trying out the Java Aspose libraries, everything is great so far except when i run a maven install command, it takes literally an hour to complete as maven is going through every single class file (please find attached a screen capture). I have the intent to buy an OEM Developer Licence but i can’t test it effectively on on my integration environment because of this…

Thank you for your time and consideration.

S.Bissue _aspose.PNG (6.3 KB)


We did test importing some Aspose for Java APIs (new versions) from maven repos., it works fine. Could you please share which particular Aspose for Java APIs are taking more time. How do you import the Aspose APIs from maven repos, give your pom.xml file? Also, give us your environment details and which Java editor (e.g. eclipse, intelliJ Idea, etc.) you are using?

Hi Amjad,

I’m developping a multi module java project on a network with no access to the internet. I added the aspose libraries to my .m2 and I basically have no problem building the module A that directly references the aspose libraries. But when i’m trying to build a jar with dependencies of another module that uses module A then I will get the previously described behavior. I’m using netbeans by the way.



I am not sure if there is an issue with Aspose for Java APIs when installing from maven repos. Anyways, could you please try to reproduce the issue in a simple console (Java) project/application. If so, kindly do share the project, we will check it soon.