Merge ASK field value

@alexey.noskov in attached document, we read the fields to replace the bookmarks and merged fields with correct value, at the beginning number of fields are 161 but after running the code the number increased to 166. I figured out calling updateFields() triggers this issue.

GEN152MNotestoestimatedoutcomestatement.docx (37.2 KB)

/**@type {plugins.file.JSFile}*/
var wordDoc = wordDocuments[index];

scopes.ipsLog.debug('wordDoc path: ' + wordDoc.getPath());

var docOrg = new Document(wordDoc.getPath(), options);

var builder = new DocumentBuilder(docOrg);

//get list of fields
var fields = docOrg.getRange().getFields();

// check if there is any fill-in fields, remove them and insert MergeFields
var startsNode = docOrg.getChildNodes(NodeType.FIELD_START, true).toArray();
var bms = docOrg.getRange().getBookmarks();

for (var f = 0; f < fields.getCount(); f++)
	var field = fields.get(f);
	application.output("****************** field name is : " + field.getFieldCode() + " and type is: " + field.getType() + " and index is " + f);

	if (field.getStart().getFieldType() == FieldType.FIELD_ASK)

		/**@type {}*/
		var ask = field;
		var bookmarkname = ask.getBookmarkName();

		for (var b = 0; b < bookmarks.length; b++)
			var bVal = bookmarks[b];
			/**@type {String}*/
			var bKey = bVal.key;
			var vValKey = '';
			if (bKey)
				var bVals = bKey.split("_");
				if (bVals.length > 0)
					vValKey = bVals[0];
			if (bookmarkname == vValKey)
				/**@type {}*/
				var askBookmark = bms.get(vValKey);
				var newbookmark = null;
				if (askBookmark)
					//remove bookmard and add it back in order to be set in correct place in the file


					if (bVal.value)
						newbookmark = docOrg.getRange().getBookmarks().get(vValKey);
					//if there is no bookmark in the document, add it

					if (bVal.value)
						newbookmark = docOrg.getRange().getBookmarks().get(vValKey);
						//								newbookmark.setText(bVal.value);

	else if (field.getStart().getFieldType() == FieldType.FIELD_FILL_IN)
		var name = "Q_" + f
		builder.moveToField(field, true);
		builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD " + name);


	var filePathNew = FILE_DOWLOAD_PATH + "file_" + application.getUUID() + '.docx';
	//save the document and use this file for the process;

@minaeimi You document contains a lot of nested fields and upon updating field part of nested fields are also duplicated in the updated field result this causes the difference in the field count before and after updating fields.

@alexey.noskov that causes an issue, the reason is first we read the document and extract the fillin and ask fields and create questions in a order eg Q1, Q2,… then an end-user will answer these questions and for merging these fields with data, we again read the fields from document and map those questions to the fields in the document, but now these difference in number of fields cause the fields doesn’t map correctly. I hope it is clear.

@minaeimi Thank you for additional information. Mapping field by index might not work in all cases, since upon updating fields number of fields might be changed, like it occurs in your case. This is normal and expected behavior. In your case you can map FILLIN fields by their question (prompt text), in this case if there are two FILLIN fields with the same prompt text, your code will insert merge field with the same name instead of FILLIN fields.

What’s your suggestion then?

@minaeimi As I mentioned, in your case you can map FILLIN fields by their question (prompt text), in this case if there are two FILLIN fields with the same prompt text, your code should insert merge field with the same name.