Merge PDFs into one creating a Bookmark for each PDF that was merged in

Is it possible to merge PDFs and then in the merged PDF create a set of Bookmarks that index each merged PDF?

Hi Todd,

I would like to inform you that in order to merge the PDFs and then bookmark the merged PDFs, you’ll have to use two different features; it is not possible with Aspose.Pdf.Kit to concatenate and bookmark the concatenated pages at once.

First of all, you need to concatenate the PDF files using Concatenate method or you can append the files to an existing file using Append method; after that, you can use the create bookmark feature to bookmark the merged PDFs. The following topics can be helpful in this regard:

PDFBookmarkEditor class
CreateBookmarkOfPage method
CreateBookmarks method
Create Bookmarks - Knowlege Base Topic
Create Nested Bookmarks - Technical Article

I would also like to add that there is no direct way to bookmark a marged PDF, however you can bookmark to a page number.

I hope this helps. If you have any further questions, please do let us know.