Merged Word2003 document crashes

I use aspose words in my application for merging.
My client (using winxp, office 2003) now has several merged document that crash Word, when they are opened after merging. This happenen with version 9.2, and I also checked with version 9.5, but this does not make a difference.
Opening the layout file with Word works fine. Opening the merged doc crashes Word, most of the times. So of course they look at me to say what the cause is. But I don;t have a clue. I have been using aspose for years, and it is normally very stable .
I attached a zipfile with an example of the layout and the merged result. When i open the resultfile, my Word 2007 also sometimes crashes, so I would say it is not machine-specific (at the client it also happens on more pc’s).
Could you please take a look at these files? I hope you can help me.
The problem happens with several other of their layouts btw.
Looking forward to your answer.


Thank you for reporting this problem to us. I managed to reproduce it on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
Best regards,

That is good news. Looking forward to an updated dll which i’ll gladly test for you of course.
Until that time: I guess the problem is connected to some characteristics of the layout file. Is it something I can change in the document, as a temporary workaround?
Bye, Ed

Hi Ed,

Thanks for your request. It seems the problem is causes by SmartTag in header of the document. As a temporary workaround you can just remove all SmartTags from the document before saving. Please see the following code:

// Open template.
Document doc = new Document(@"Test001\in.doc");
// Do something with document.
// ..........................
// Remove all SmartTags.
// Save output.

Removing SmartTags will not affect content of your document.
Best regards,

That workaround works great; the problems are gone.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-4036) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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