Merging multiple documents containing footnotes and endnotes into one does not take in account FootnoteOptions and EndnoteOptions

I am working on an project using 2.0 and Aspose.Words 5.2
When trying to merge a number of documents, containing footnotes and endnotes, generated earlier into a big document FootnoteOptions and EndnoteOptions on the big document are not taken in account.
Here is the code:

Aspose.Words.Document masterDocument = new Aspose.Words.Document(BigTemplate);

masterDocument.FootnoteOptions.Location = FootnoteLocation.BottomOfPage;
masterDocument.FootnoteOptions.RestartRule = FootnoteNumberingRule.RestartSection;
masterDocument.FootnoteOptions.NumberStyle = NumberStyle.Ordinal;
masterDocument.FootnoteOptions.StartNumber = 1;

masterDocument.EndnoteOptions.Location = FootnoteLocation.EndOfSection;
masterDocument.EndnoteOptions.RestartRule = FootnoteNumberingRule.RestartSection;
masterDocument.EndnoteOptions.NumberStyle = NumberStyle.Ordinal;
masterDocument.EndnoteOptions.StartNumber = 1;

foreach (string documentPath in AllDocuments)
    Aspose.Word.Document child = new Aspose.Word.Document(documentPath);
    foreach (Section section in child.Sections)
        Section dstSection = (Section)masterDocument.ImportNode(section, true, ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles);

Each child document contains a single section.
Document generated by saving masterDocument does not restart numbering on endnotes and footnotes when a new section start.
All endnotes in the generated document are positioned at the end of the document, instead of end of section as instructed (masterDocument.EndnoteOptions.Location = FootnoteLocation.EndOfSection).
Am i doing somethig wrong?

Thanks for your request. I managed to reproduce this problem on my side. I created new issue #5631 in our defect database. I will notify you as soon as it is fixed or we have any additional information regarding this issue.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 5631) have been fixed in this update.

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