Merging or adding style

I have a problem with the styles.
We create our excel report from a xls template.
The template already has some general formatting.

When I add some style to a range in the report (color…), it clear the original style (border, type…). It’s not what I want : I just want to add something to the style.

How to do this, did I miss something ?

Currently Range.Style will clear previous setting for individual cells and apply the new style.

I will add a new method for Range object to apply new style without removing individual cells formattings.

What’s the delay to have this update ?
How can I do it for the moment ?
Is it working when we add the style to each cell ?

Currently you have to set formattings cell by cell.

For example:

cell["A1"].Style.Font.IsBold = true;

cell["A2"].Style.Font.IsBold = true;

This action won't clear previous settings.

I will add a new method for Range object to apply new style without removing individual cells formattings.

Did you plan the update yet ?

I will release a new version before the start of next week which will include this method.

I’ll try it