Method save + migration to visual studio 2010

Hi all,
I’ m a beginner with aspose.words, we work with visual studio 2005 and now we use visual studio 2010.
We have installed the version of aspose words 9.7
when i look in the reference of the project under visual studio 2010.
Now when i build the project i have some error with the method save !here is it some code :

doc.SaveOptions.TxtExportTableLayout = true;
doc.Save("test.doc", SaveFormat.Doc, SaveType.OpenInApplication, Response);

i’ve change this code by this but that doesn’t work :

TxtSaveOptions opt = new TxtSaveOptions();
opt.PreserveTableLayout = true;
opt.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Doc;
doc.Save(Response, "test.doc", ContentDisposition.Attachement, opt);

But that doesn 't work the error is no overload method takes 4 arguments !

any help ?
thanks for your time

Thanks for your request. One of the Aspose.Words’ Document.Save overloads allows to save to a System.Web.HttpResponse object. This useful method sends a document to the client browser. But System.Web is not available in the .NET Framework 3.5/4.0 Client Profile so it was not possible to use Aspose.Words to target the Client Profile.
In your case, you should use Aspose.Words for .NET 2.0 in your ASP net application.
Best regards,