Miss word after extract text from pdf


I want to extract text from pdf, but some words are missing. I’m using Aspose.PDF 21.7
here is my code:

Document document = new Document("C:\\Users\\xxx\\Desktop\\123 (3).pdf");
// Open document
String txtFileName = "C:\\Users\\xxx\\Desktop\\test-1.txt";

// Load PDF document
TextAbsorber ta = new TextAbsorber();
// Save the extracted text in text file
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(txtFileName));

this is my pdf:
123 (3).pdf (38.2 KB)

this text reuslt:

Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.PDF. Copyright 2002-2021 Aspose Pty Ltd.
???(????)(????)The b

1.JPG.png (14.2 KB)

Is it because we don’t have a license?

By the way, we are testing whether aspose meets our needs before purchasing the license. We have some questions and hope to be answered as soon as possible. Can aspose provide some channels for us to get a more efficient and timely response?


The evaluation message denotes that you are facing these limitations due to trial version usage. Please note that API will only be able to process 4 elements of any collection in trial mode. In order to evaluate the API without any restrictions, you can use a free 30-days temporary license which will remove any kind of trial version limitation. In case you still notice any issue, please feel free to let us know.