Missing Character unsing Verdana Font (bolt)


using Aspose.Cells V, some characters are missing, when converting the the excel-file to pdf.

Using the latest version of cells, ir works fine.

1) I would like to know, if this was a bug, that was explicitly solvend (in which version), or did this happen by chance?

2) Do you share program code between the different products (Cell, Word, PDF…), so if there is an error ie. concerning fonts in cells, is it likely that the same error is in words?

3) Are there dependencies between the differnt Aspose-moduls ie, if there is a fix in cells concerning the pdf-creation, should I upgrade aspose-pdf as well to be able to handle the pdf-file?

Kind regards,


Hi Oliver,

Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

If it is fixed with the latest version then it is surely a bug of old versions. So, please use the latest version for your needs.

You do not need to upgrade Aspose.PDF, you only need to upgrade Aspose.Cells now.

No, Aspose.Cells and Aspose.PDF are different set of APIs, we do not share any code between each of our API (component). All APIs have their own code.

One Aspose API is not dependent on the other Aspose API. So there is no dependency of Aspose.Cells with Aspose.PDF for converting excel files to pdfs.


fine, all questions answered, thank you!

kind regards

sorry, but just to make sure,
as you just mention Aspose.PDF, same is valid for word, mail, powerpoint…, right?



Yes, your understanding is correct, same applies to other products (e.g Aspose.Words, Aspose.Mail, Aspose.Powerpoint etc.) as well.

Thank you.