Missing 'ImageSaving'-Property in HtmlSaveOptions

reference to your Release Notes for 9.2.0 Aspose Words I could not find
the property ‘ImageSaving’ in the class ‘HtmlSaveOptions’.

So how should I have to change the code to get the same result.

private static Dictionary <string, MemoryStream> mImagesList = new Dictionary <string, MemoryStream> ();

public static MemoryStream ConvertDocToZippedHtml(Document doc)

    // Create memory stream where output zip file will be stored

    MemoryStream zipStream = new MemoryStream();

    // Create zip archive

    ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(zipStream);

    // Spacify HtmlExportImageSaving event handler

    doc.SaveOptions.HtmlExportImageSaving += new ExportImageSavingEventHandler(HtmlExportImageSaving_ZipImage);

    // Specify image folder aliase

    doc.SaveOptions.HtmlExportImagesFolderAlias = "images/";

    // Save document to stream in HTML format

    MemoryStream htmlStream = new MemoryStream();

    doc.Save(htmlStream, SaveFormat.Html);

    // Put HTML into the zip archive

    ZipEntry htmlEntry = new ZipEntry("index.html");


    zip.Write(htmlStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int) htmlStream.Length);

    // Loop through all images

    foreach(KeyValuePair <string, MemoryStream> img in mImagesList)

        ZipEntry imgEntry = new ZipEntry(string.Format("images/{0}", img.Key));


        zip.Write(img.Value.GetBuffer(), 0, (int) img.Value.Length);


    // Finish zip stream


    return zipStream;


private static void HtmlExportImageSaving_ZipImage(object sender, ExportImageSavingEventArgs e)

    MemoryStream imgStream = new MemoryStream();

    e.ImageStream = imgStream;

    e.KeepImageStreamOpen = true;

    mImagesList.Add(e.ImageFileName, imgStream);



Thanks for your request. There were some breaking changes in Aspose.Words API. Please see Aspose.Words 9.2.0 release notes:
Now you should use HtmlSaveOptions:
Also the following video might be useful for you:
Best regards.