Missing interfaces

I am evaluating Aspose.Slides for .NET for use in a Delphi application, meaning using COM. I noticed that there are no interfaces whatsoever to set the license if the product is purchased. I also evaluated Aspsose.Words and there the license can be easily set.

Hi Robert,

Thank you for the details.

We will check your issue and will get back to you soon.

Thanks & Regards,

If that would help - this is what is generated from the Aspose.Words.TLB:

IID__License: TGUID = ‘{786D567A-E047-369D-A187-B9EEC5AF9B6D}’;

CLASS_License: TGUID = ‘{C6816823-5D3D-3C93-8A33-E7541C215AC0}’;

// *********************************************************************//
// Interface: _License
// Flags: (4560) Hidden Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
// GUID: {786D567A-E047-369D-A187-B9EEC5AF9B6D}
// *********************************************************************//
_License = interface(IDispatch)
function Get_ToString: WideString; safecall;
function Equals(obj: OleVariant): WordBool; safecall;
function GetHashCode: Integer; safecall;
function GetType: _Type; safecall;
procedure SetLicense(const licenseName: WideString); safecall;
procedure SetLicense_2(const stream: _Stream); safecall;
property ToString: WideString read Get_ToString;

// *********************************************************************//
// DispIntf: _LicenseDisp
// Flags: (4560) Hidden Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
// GUID: {786D567A-E047-369D-A187-B9EEC5AF9B6D}
// *********************************************************************//
_LicenseDisp = dispinterface
property ToString: WideString readonly dispid 0;
function Equals(obj: OleVariant): WordBool; dispid 1610743809;
function GetHashCode: Integer; dispid 1610743810;
function GetType: _Type; dispid 1610743811;
procedure SetLicense(const licenseName: WideString); dispid 1610743812;
procedure SetLicense_2(const stream: _Stream); dispid 1610743813;

And this is generated from the Aspose.Slides.TLB:

CLASS_License: TGUID = ‘{AD3066FA-03F3-4739-8A48-8D3D0C697936}’;

License = _Object;

where _Object is declared elsewhere as follows:

// *********************************************************************//
// Interface: _Object
// Flags: (4560) Hidden Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
// GUID: {65074F7F-63C0-304E-AF0A-D51741CB4A8D}
// *********************************************************************//
_Object = interface(IDispatch)
function Get_ToString: WideString; safecall;
function Equals(obj: OleVariant): WordBool; safecall;
function GetHashCode: Integer; safecall;
function GetType: _Type; safecall;
property ToString: WideString read Get_ToString;

// *********************************************************************//
// DispIntf: _ObjectDisp
// Flags: (4560) Hidden Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
// GUID: {65074F7F-63C0-304E-AF0A-D51741CB4A8D}
// *********************************************************************//
_ObjectDisp = dispinterface
property ToString: WideString readonly dispid 0;
function Equals(obj: OleVariant): WordBool; dispid 1610743809;
function GetHashCode: Integer; dispid 1610743810;
function GetType: _Type; dispid 1610743811;

Hi Robert,

Thank you for the details.

An issue with high priority has been registered in our issue tracking system with issue id: SLIDESNET-35799 for the support of the missing interfaces regarding license setup. The development team will support the missing feature soon and we will share the update version details with you via this forum thread.

Thanks & Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-35799) have been fixed in this update.

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