Missing rows after xlsx to PDF conversion

It was noticed that the created PDF is missing a few rows that are present in the source document.
Input and output files are attached.
input_and_output.zip (191.0 KB)


public class ExcelPdf
public static void Run()
var doc = new Workbook(@"./input.xlsx");
doc.Save(@"./output.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);
image.png (354.6 KB)

It would be great if you could help me resolve this issue.

Some data was not output because your first worksheet sets the print area to “B1:K121”, so data outside this range will not be output during export. Excel also processes in the same way. You can output all data by calling the following code to delete the print area.

doc.Worksheets[0].PageSetup.PrintArea = "";

Would you like to try it?

Thank you for your response. That’s the issue. Problem solved!

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