Missing SaveOptions.ExportImagesFolder in v14.9

Hi Aspose,

I’ve been using your product since 2005. and I’m about to buy the 3rd version of aspose words component.

Currently I’m using version 5.2 (2008), and planning to renew to the latest version which is 14.9.

During codes migration, looks like this line of code has error:

doc.SaveOptions.ExportImagesFolder = Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“MYPATH”]);

The SaveOptions.ExportImagesFolder is no longer the properties of Document class.

Can I use this line of code to replace it:

HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Html);
saveOptions.ImagesFolder = Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“MYPATH”]);
doc.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Html);

Hi Arthur,

Thanks for your inquiry. I suggest you please refer to the following section of documentation which outlines how to migrating from earlier versions of Aspose.Words:

I hope, this helps.

Best regards,