More webgrid on one apsx page

web grid version 2017

I have two grids on a page.

GridA and GridB. I change on each grid cell[0,0] (12). After a postback the change on the second Grid is lost. The old value reappeare. (47)

Is it possible the have two grids on a aspx - page?


Thanks for sharing us details.

We will get back to you soon to explain if it is the routine of post back or an issue.

Thank you.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

If the EnableAjax property of GridWeb is set to false, you should submit the editing data first. And we have fixed the bug when the property is set to true. Please try the attached latest version.

Thank You & Best Regards,

Enabled Ajax is false. I have placed the next code in my source ;

GridI.OnPageSubmitClientFunction = GridI.ClientID + ".submit();";
GridF.OnPageSubmitClientFunction = GridF.ClientID + ".submit();";

After a postback is the data, I have changed in the second grid, lost.

I have used the new dll


Thank you for considering Aspose.

In my previous reply, the “submit” means clicking the “Submit” button in every grid. I am afraid that submitting two grids via coding is not supported. We recommend that you set EnableAjax = true when using multiple grids in one page.

Thank You & Best Regards,