MS Doc comment is coming the main body when converting to pdf

MS Doc comment is coming the main body when converting to pdf in Linux.

Mac OS Ventura, PDF conversion is failing and throwing below error:

dtm=11/06/2023 16:40:01,305PST | priority=ERROR | thread=main | class=c.a.i.e.e.a.f.c.MSDocToFile | method=convertToPDF | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected a value between 0 and 2892.
Parameter name: index
dtm=11/06/2023 16:40:01,305PST | priority=ERROR | thread=main | class=c.a.i.e.e.a.FileConvertUtil | method=convertToPDF | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected a value between 0 and 2892.

docx_equation& (164.5 KB)

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