Multiple Charts rendering problems


We have found multiple critical rendering issues for different types of charts, as presented in the attached file, below you can find the most important ones:

Common issues:
1. Font style and font size are rendered differently for Title/Legend/Axis values.
2. Series are not properly rendered in the chart legend
3. The size of the rendered chart is incorrect (e.g the width for almost all the charts,
the height, aspect ratio for some)
4. The set of axis values is different respect to the original
5. 3D charts are missing Z-Axis labels

6. for 3D charts - the view angle is different
7. Column3D/ConicalColumn3D/CylindricalColumn3D/Line3D/PyramidColumn3D - the scale is different and the Z-Axis labels are missing
8. Bubble/Bubble3D Chart/ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithDataMarker/ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithoutDataMarker/ScatterConnectedByLinesWithDataMarker - Axis labels are rendered in different position
9. Doughnut/DoughnutExploded/Pie/Pie3D/PiePie/PieExploded/Pie3DExploded/PieBar/Radar/RadarWithDataMarkers/RadarFilled - the aspect ratio is different then the original
10. Doughnut/DoughnutExploded/Pie/Pie3D/PiePie/PieExploded/Pie3DExploded/PieBar - the legend is incorrect

Here is the code used for rendering the chart to image:

var opts = new Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions
Quality = 100,
HorizontalResolution = 200,
VerticalResolution = 200,
ImageFormat = ImageFormat.Png
image = chart.ToImage(opts);

We would like to receive an update with the fixes as soon as possible.

Bogdan Rusu,
IBM Romania.


Thanks for the template file.

I have tested the conversion (Chart-to-Image) for the different charts present in your template file and found some issues as you mentioned. I used the latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.2.2.1

The issues that I found are:
6. for 3D charts - the view angle is different
8. Bubble/Bubble3D Chart/ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithDataMarker/ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithoutDataMarker/ScatterConnectedByLinesWithDataMarker - Axis labels are rendered in different position
9. Doughnut/DoughnutExploded/Pie/Pie3D/PiePie/PieExploded/Pie3DExploded/PieBar/Radar/RadarWithDataMarkers/RadarFilled - the aspect ratio is different then the original
10. Doughnut/DoughnutExploded/Pie/Pie3D/PiePie/PieExploded/Pie3DExploded/PieBar - the legend is incorrect

I used the following code with your file.

Sample code:

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@“E:\test2\chartsIssues.xlsx”);

int i = 1;
foreach (Worksheet worksheet in workbook.Worksheets)
foreach (Chart chart in worksheet.Charts)
chart.ToImage(@"E:\test2" + worksheet.Name + i + “.png”, ImageFormat.Png);

Could you try our latest fix v7.2.2.1 and let us know your feedback.

Anyways, I have logged a ticket with an id: CELLSNET-40776. We will further look into your mentioned issues and get back to you soon.

Thank you.


Thank you for the quick answer, I’ve downloaded the latest public version of Aspose.Cells, v7.2.2.0, and I see that some of the issues are fixed, as you stated previously.
We are waiting for the remaining issues to be fixed as well.

Thank you,
Bogdan Rusu
IBM Romania.


Thank you for your feedback. This will help our development team to focus on the problematic areas. We will let you know about the resolution of the issue once we have an update from our development team.

We also recommend you to download and use this latest fix Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.2.2.2 in your applications.

Please try our latest version Aspose.Cells 21.6.0.
If you find any issue, please provide the source Excel file to help us analyze it.