Multiple Excel Worksheets

Hi, I am very interested in Aspose.Excel.

I am working on a VB .NET application that will need to create a Excel workbook then export data to multiple worksheets within the same workbook. Can Aspose.Excel create a workbook then create multiple worksheets within the same workbook? I’ve researched your on line documentation but cannot find any info on my topic.



Dear Eddie,

Thank you for considerating Aspose.Excel.

It’s easy to create multiple worksheets within the same workbook. The following is my sample code:

'Initialize an instance of Excel class(root class) which represents the excel workbook.
Dim ExcelObject as Excel = new Excel()

'Add two worksheets to the workbook. Now you have 3 sheets.

'Access to the seconde worksheet
Dim Sheet as Worksheet
Sheet = ExcelObject.Worksheets(1)