Multiple images and ole frames on ppt slide

1) Please show samples to add 4 images to avoid message “Object Changed” and ole frames on different part of the ppt slide. In between these images would be a place to add ppt slide content.

2) Also is it possible to add images and ole to group shapes?

Would appreciate if you could provide samples for the above.


Thanks for considering Asopose.Slides.

In view of our discussion regarding addition of multiple picture frames in PPT slide, I have formulated a code snippet for you. Please use the code snippet given below.

//Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a PPT file

Presentation pres = new Presentation();

//Accessing a slide using its slide position

Slide slide = pres.AddBodySlide();

int c = slide.Shapes.Count;

//Calculating slide width and height

//Accessing the first placeholder in the slide and typecasting it as a text holder

TextHolder th = (TextHolder)slide.Placeholders[1];


int slideWidth = slide.Background.Width;

int slideHeight = slide.Background.Height;

Shape Shp = slide.Shapes[1];

Shp.X=slideWidth / 4;

Shp.Y = slideHeight / 4;

String sPath = @"D\ppt\";

String sPicPath = @"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\";

//Creating a picture object that will be used to fill the ellipse

Picture pic = new Picture(pres, sPicPath+"Blue hills.jpg");

//Adding the picture object to pictures collection of the presentation

//After the picture object is added, the picture is given a uniqe picture Id

int picId = pres.Pictures.Add(pic);

//Calculating picture width and height

int pictureWidth = pres.Pictures[picId - 1].Image.Width * 2;

int pictureHeight = pres.Pictures[picId - 1].Image.Height * 2;

//Calculating the width and height of picture frame

int pictureFrameWidth = 20;

int pictureFrameHeight = 20;

//Adding picture frame to the slide

slide.Shapes.AddPictureFrame(picId, pictureFrameWidth, pictureFrameHeight,

pictureWidth, pictureHeight);

// Adding second picture

pic = new Picture(pres, sPicPath + "Sunset.jpg");

//Adding the picture object to pictures collection of the presentation

//After the picture object is added, the picture is given a uniqe picture Id

picId = pres.Pictures.Add(pic);

//Calculating picture width and height

pictureWidth = pres.Pictures[picId - 1].Image.Width * 2;

pictureHeight = pres.Pictures[picId - 1].Image.Height * 2;

//Calculating the width and height of picture frame

pictureFrameWidth = Convert.ToInt32(slideWidth -pictureWidth-20);// - pictureWidth / 4);

pictureFrameHeight =20;

//Adding picture frame to the slide

slide.Shapes.AddPictureFrame(picId, pictureFrameWidth, pictureFrameHeight,

pictureWidth, pictureHeight);

//Writing the presentation as a PPT file

// Adding 3RD picture

pic = new Picture(pres, sPicPath + "Water lilies.jpg");

//Adding the picture object to pictures collection of the presentation

//After the picture object is added, the picture is given a uniqe picture Id

picId = pres.Pictures.Add(pic);

//Calculating picture width and height

pictureWidth = pres.Pictures[picId - 1].Image.Width * 2;

pictureHeight = pres.Pictures[picId - 1].Image.Height * 2;

//Calculating the width and height of picture frame

pictureFrameWidth = Convert.ToInt32(20);

pictureFrameHeight = Convert.ToInt32(slideHeight - pictureHeight - 20);// - pictureHeight / 4);

//Adding picture frame to the slide

slide.Shapes.AddPictureFrame(picId, pictureFrameWidth, pictureFrameHeight,

pictureWidth, pictureHeight);

// Adding 4th picture

pic = new Picture(pres, sPicPath + "Winter.jpg");

//Adding the picture object to pictures collection of the presentation

//After the picture object is added, the picture is given a uniqe picture Id

picId = pres.Pictures.Add(pic);

//Calculating picture width and height

pictureWidth = pres.Pictures[picId - 1].Image.Width * 2;

pictureHeight = pres.Pictures[picId - 1].Image.Height * 2;

//Calculating the width and height of picture frame

pictureFrameWidth = Convert.ToInt32(slideWidth - pictureWidth-20);

pictureFrameHeight = Convert.ToInt32(slideHeight -pictureHeight -20);// - pictureHeight / 4);

//Adding picture frame to the slide

slide.Shapes.AddPictureFrame(picId, pictureFrameWidth, pictureFrameHeight,

pictureWidth, pictureHeight);

pres.Write(sPath + "modified.ppt");

As far as addition of group shapes is concerned, currently Aspose.Slides supports accessing of exisiting group shapes in PPT presentation only.

Thanks and Regards,