I was wondering how to handle multiple resource calendars with Aspose.
Each Task has a ResourceAssignment object, but calendars are not directly part of the ResourceAssignment.
My question is: How can we assign two resource calendars to a single task?
For example, Task 1 is assigned two resources (Engineer and PhD) with different calendars.
image.png (1,3 Ko)
Thank you!
@Nour_From_XLSTAT ,
Aspose.Tasks API is based on MS Project’s model. As in MS Project, a calendar cannot be directly specified for a Resource Assignment. Instead, it uses the calendar of the corresponding resource.
You can assign resources ‘Engineer’ and ‘PhD’ to a single task, and the corresponding Resource Assignments should use the calendars of the ‘Engineer’ and ‘PhD’ resources.
Thanks for your previous response. Could you clarify how both calendars are intended to be used together?
I am currently working on automatically calculating the finish date of a task based on its calendar and the resource calendar after modifying the duration.
Typically, I use the GetFinishDateByStartAndWork
function as follows:
NewFinishDate= Project.Calendars.GetByUid(CalendarUid).GetFinishDateByStartAndWork(StartDate, Duration);
Could you please guide me on how to apply this function while considering both the task calendar and the resource calendar?
Thank you!
the described calculation cannot be performed using our public API.
We will add it to the public API in a future release.
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Thanks for your reply!
I can’t wait to see the function for calculating start and finish dates, but taking resource calendars into account!