Multirow header captions?

using grid web V2.0.3.2006, is there a way to have a multi-row header caption? I have a column that has is narrow but the header caption is relatively long and I’d like the header row to wrap and/or display the caption in 2 or more lines while the grid itself will be a single line. Is there a way to do so? Basically, I am trying to avoid unnecessary horizontal scrolling For example, I’d like the header to say “Annual Usage”, but the width of the column needs to be only about 5 digits worth, so Id like it to be:

Annual Annual
Usage Cost
25 $50.00

rather than

Annual Usage Annual Usage

25 $50.00

Hi Garrick,

Please use the following line of code to merge the GridWeb Cells:

GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].Cells.Merge(1, 2, 2, 1);

For more details, please follow the link below:


Hi Garrick,

You can also try the following lines of code. These can also suit your requirment.

GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].Cells.SetColumnCaption(2, "Annual
GridWeb1.HeaderBarHeight = new Unit(30, UnitType.Point);


Thanks, that works great