Is there a character length limitation on a Resource’s [Name] when populating MS Project with Aspose.Tasks dynamically?
I appear to be able a add a resource manually in MS Project with any length but am currently getting fatal errors which result in being unable to open the .MPP file produced after attempting to add a resource with a name such as "Round Trip Low Earth Orbit to Lunar Parking Orbit - per ton."
If this is a limitation of MS Project or Aspose? Here’s an example of how I’m building up the resources:
private void AddSomeResources(Guid someID, Aspose.Tasks.Project project)
EstimateItemCollection someResources)= DataService.GetMyResources(someID);
foreach (EstimateItem r in someResources)
Aspose.Tasks.Resource res = project.Resources.Add(description);
res.Set(Rsc.Name, description); // LONG DESCRIPTION HERE
res.Set(Rsc.Initials, r.Name);
res.Set(Rsc.Type, ResourceType.Material);
res.Set(Rsc.StandardRate, (decimal)r.Value);
res.Set(Rsc.CostPerUse, 0);
res.Set(Rsc.Code, r.ID.ToString());