Need to know original height of collapsed row in pixel

I found that recently was added method for getting original width for columns in pixel. It works for hidden collapsed columns.
There is method:

cells.getColumnWithPixel(column, original)

But I didn’t found the same method for original height for rows. I need to know original heigth for row in pixel for hidden collapsed rows
You recently advice to use math logic for this (in this topic Need to know an original height of a hidden row in pixels)

It would be more convenient to have new method for getting original height in pixels. Like this:

cells.getRowHeightPixel(column, original)

Could you please add that method ?

We have added the following methods in the latest version v24.4.
Cells.getColumnOriginalWidthPoint(int column)
Cells.getRowOriginalHeightPoint(int row)

If you need to obtain values in pixels, you only need to perform a simple conversion on the result. Please refer to the following sample code.

System.out.println("Row 4: getRowHeightPixel =" +  cells.getRowOriginalHeightPoint(3) *96 /72);
System.out.println("Column 4: getColumnWidthPixel =" +  cells.getColumnOriginalWidthPoint(3) *96 /72);

Hope helps a bit.

Thanks for reply. It works.
But what about this method ?

System.out.println("Column 4: getColumnWidthPixel =" +  cells.getColumnWidthPixel(3, true);

This example returns the original column width without math operations.
But this method exists only for column width. For row height it doesn’t exists

And it would be very convenient to have the same method for row height.

As an alternative, you can currently obtain the row height in points and then perform a simple conversion to obtain the value in pixels.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): CELLSJAVA-45945

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSJAVA-45945) have been fixed in Aspose.Cells for Java 24.5.