Needste mail merge - next update


I’am still testing your program aspose.Word but I am in trouble.

1. When du you expect to support nested mail merge. We realy need it.

I have a list of persons and for each person there are a list of courses. I can not make that whit out nested mail merge.

My error
Found mail merge region ‘User’ nested in another mail merge region ‘Participant’. Nested mail merge regions are not yet supported.

My Word document - Example
?TableStart:Participant? <-- START 1

?Surname? ?LastName?

?TableStart:User? <-- START 2
?Surname? ?LastName?

?TableEnd:User? <-- END 2

?PostalcodeID? ?PostalDistrict?
?TableEnd:Participant? <-- END 1

MyCode - It says nothing but only illustrate that I use DataSet
public Document Letter1(int param_sectionID, int param_participantID, int param_userID)
// Samme som 4 blot et andet dokument
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
Document doc = OpenDoc(@“Brev1.doc”);
doc.MailMerge.MergeField += new MergeFieldEventHandler(HandleFormat);
return doc;

When do you expect next release.

Best Regards

Hi Thomas,

We will look into support of nested merge regions, but we can only do this sometime in July.

There is a way to do what you want now, but you need to use DocumentBuilder and a bit more programming.

See this thread where we discuss exactly the same question Just skip to the 4th or 5th reply and see there are some ideas suggested there.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 39) have been fixed in this update.

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