Nested Merge Field inside INCLUDETEXT Field & Insert Text from File in Word Document C# .NET [Migrated]


We recently upgraded Aspose.Words to version 19.8 and started to have an issue when doing a mailmerge.

This mailmerge has INCLUDETEXT where it’s pulling the information from a web page.

First, the mailmerge was not finishing and just hangs consuming all CPU of the server.
Template reference: “mailmerge does not finish.doc”

After slightly modifying the template, the mailmerge finishes but not display correctly the tables information.
Template reference: “mailmerge finish but not display correctly.doc”
File generated: “result.pdf”

The merge fields values used were:
ProjectCustom_ProjectNumber: 201018
ProcessFields_BidPackageNumber: 03

URL generated:

Please, let me know if you need anything else to find the root cause of this issue.

Zip with the 3 files mentioned in the description:
includetext (713.3 KB)

Ruben Lerma
e-Builder, Inc.

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