Nested TableStart


Maybe I am missing someting and this can be done already, but I need to be able to do the following:

Have a table that is the format of:

One document Doc Revision Title of the document

Work Instruction 1 Work Instruction revision
Work Instruction 2 Work Insrtruction revision
Could be many work instructions for the document

Staff Name Staff Discipline

a query.

There may be many documents, but for each document I need to create a table. Each document could have many Work Instructions, with one Staff Name and Query record.

So it really needs a nested section for Work Instruction. I think that nested tables would work, but am not sure!

Any help is much appreciated.


Hi Pete,

You got it all right, nested mail merge regions will be a nice solution and Aspose.Word will support them soon. At the moment nested is not supported and I recommend you try do something like this:

revision and title

This is the aproach Aspose.Word.Demos use to generate invoice, it has one region for invoice header, one region for invoice details and another region for invoice totals.

The only limitation of this approach is that you can only generate one “document” per document. That is one invoice in one document. In your case it seems to be suitable.
Another customer, Steve has suggested and is trying to overcome this limitation by copying sections between documents, I think after mail merge.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 39) have been fixed in this update.

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