.NET PDF转word 如何判断字体缺失

public static bool CheckPageFont(Page p, ref string font_name)
// ensure all fonts declared on page resources are embedded
// note that if fonts are declared on form resources they are not accessible from page resources
if (p.Resources == null)
return true;
foreach (var font in p.Resources.Fonts)

            if (!font.IsAccessible)
                font_name = font.FontName;
                return false;
            if (!font.IsEmbedded)
                font.IsEmbedded = true;

        return true;

public static bool CheckDocFont(Document doc, ref string font_name)
// ensure all fonts declared on page resources are embedded
// note that if fonts are declared on form resources they are not accessible from page resources
Font[] fonts = doc.FontUtilities.GetAllFonts();
foreach (var font in fonts)
if (!font.IsAccessible)
font_name = font.FontName;
return false;
if (!font.IsEmbedded)
font.IsEmbedded = true;

        return true;






IsAccessible属性指示字体是否存在(安装)在系统中。 您还可以在上面的API reference链接中找到示例代码。