New PDF Rendering Engine

Hi Shakeel,

thanks for your help but I think you’re heading in the wrong direction.

I tried to use the latest version but its memory consumption is unbelievable high and I get an OutOfMemoryException pretty soon (its very slow too). It seems that you are processing the whole images in memory which is not so good. Bad enough if there’s 1 conversion but we have a server solution which is able of receiving lots of parallel requests.

So this is of no use for us right now.

I really hope you can improve on the Slides-component.

Br, Martin


any news?

Br, Martin

Hello Martin,

There is no update for pdf rendering yet but we are working on improving images quality and minimization of memory use. By rough estimations there can be 2-3 times memory and speed optimization in future versions.

Hi Alexey,

what’s the time frame for a version with good image quality and low memory consumption?

Br, Martin

Dear Martin,

It is not possible to give you any exact time frame. We need at least 2-3 months and it can take even longer.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 6461) have been fixed in this update.

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