New Release 2.2 and its Hot Fixes

Dear Customers, is Released. You can download it here:

Dear Customers,

HotFix 2.2.1 is released!


Worksheets.GetNamedRanges method

Dear Customers,

HotFix 2.2.2 is released!

Modify title of chart in a chart sheet

Shape the AutoFitColumn method

Dear Customers,

We have released hotfix 2.2.3!

We made the following enhancements in this hotfix:

  1. New overloaded Cells.ImportDataTable and Cells.ImportDataView methods
  2. Smart Marker feature
  3. Worksheet.Move method to re-order worksheet

Dear Customers,

We have released hotfix 2.2.4!

We made the following enhancements in this hotfix:

1. Chart marker setting APIs
Please refer to

2. Change data source of a chart sheet

Excel excel = new Excel();

Chart chart = excel.Worksheets[0].Charts[0];
chart.NSeries[0].Values = “Sheet2!A1:B1”;

And we fixed:
1. AddCopy bug
Please refer to