New User Needs Help or Manual


I just down loaded the evaluation version and am trying to figure out what to do with it. I have installed .NET (which I don’t use that often) and setup the PC I’m on as a web server. I can open a project and look around but can’t seem to figure out what to do next. We would like to use the Aspose Word to create form letters that are populated by a MS-SQL database. And maybe use it for reports of the tracking system I am building.

I guess the big questions is, is there a manual or part of a manual that I can download so I can see how to get started. I looked at the demos and am still lost on what to do.



Hi Rex,

Thanks for your interest in our product. I suggest you look at our Wiki for specific technology questions. The section for your particular question is calling “Performing Mail Merge”. Also check the API reference that is part of evaluation package. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
