NodeType.DrawingML not supported in version v16.x.x.x

We have the following code from the Aspose team for earlier versions of Aspose DLL (v14.x.x.x) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static int Resample(Document doc, int desiredPpi, int jpegQuality)
int count = 0;

// Convert VML shapes.
foreach (Shape vmlShape in doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Shape, true))
// It is important to use this method to correctly get the picture shape size in points even if the picture is inside a group shape.
SizeF shapeSizeInPoints = vmlShape.SizeInPoints;

if (ResampleCore(vmlShape.ImageData, shapeSizeInPoints, desiredPpi, jpegQuality))

// Convert DrawingML shapes.
foreach (DrawingML dmlShape in doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.DrawingML, true))
// In MS Word the size of a DrawingML shape is always in points at the moment.
SizeF shapeSizeInPoints = dmlShape.Size;
if (ResampleCore(dmlShape.ImageData, shapeSizeInPoints, desiredPpi, jpegQuality))

return count;
As we are migrating to latest version (v16.x.x.x) directly, we came to know that NodeType.DrawingML is not supported. As per Aspose.Words for .NET|Documentation, DrawingML comes under
NodeType.Shape now so we think that the second part of the above code
Convert DrawingML shapes is not needed anymore. Please confirm if this is correct.


Your understanding is correct. You do no longer need DrawingML class. All graphics objects are now available in Shapes collections.

Best regards,