Not able to convert large Aspose.Word Document into PDF

I am using Aspose.word and Aspose.Pdf for the past 4 months. I am facing some problem in both aspose word and pdf. They are printing the converted Aspose.word document. So i tried converting it into a pdf using Aspose.Pdf. Then print the pdf using System.Process.
But the process of converting into PDF document hangs for large document. Please look in to this issue. I am using Aspose.Word(3.7.1) and the latest Aspose.PDF
I am desperate in need of printing option. Since Aspose.Printing is in development stage, please provide me solution to print a word or the converted large pdf to print.
Waiting eagerly for your solution.

Can you please provide a example document and let us test it? If you don't want to attach it here, you can send to

I have mailed you the document.


I have tested your document and it is converted into pdf in about 38 seconds.