[NotSupportedException: Cannot convert CSS unit types yet.]

When i am using the following html in DocumentBuider.InsertHTML i am getting “[NotSupportedException: Cannot convert CSS unit types yet.]” error. Pls guide me on this.
Ø **Do you ever want to access your desktop, or shortcut icons on your desktop when your screen is cluttered with windows which you don’t want to minimize? **


You should use the "pt" unit rather than "in" or any other unit types in CSS styles because they are only supported at the moment. We will extend the list of supported CSS units later.

I am working for Pearson Education. My client copying most of the text from word document because of that this problem is comming. I dont have option of asking them to not use from word document. Could you please provide some alternate way to solve the problem.
Thanks in advance,

That is already in our defect base. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

Best regards,