NullPointerExceptoin trying to convert ppt to pdf (Mac)

Hi Sarah,

I have tried accessing the presentation shared by you but unable to do so. Can you please attach the source presentation again. Can you please share what fonts you are using in your presentation. Can you please try generating the PDF from a simplest PPT presentation using "Arial" as text. It will possibly tell that there is not issue with Aspose.Slides. The issue may be missing fonts. Please try downloading the fonts used and give a try. I am saying so because I have not experienced this issue on Ubuntu (which as per my understanding is also Debian based).

Thanks and Regards,

Hey Mudassir,

I am not using any fonts other than Arial.
What I am doing is PPT table and OLE embedding charts from XLS, maybe the problem is there.
I am attaching a new PPT example.


Hi Sarah,

I have investigated the presentation and an issue with ID 28613 has been added in our issue tracking system to further investigat6e and resolve the issue. This thread has also been linked with the issue so that we may share the updates with you once the issue is resolved.

Thanks and Regards,


Any progress about this issue?


Hi Sarah,

I regret to share that I have verified from our issue tracking system and like to share that the issue has not been scheduled for investigation till yet by our development team owing to meet the tight schedule for new version quarterly release. However, I have requested them to share the initial response on the state of issue. I will share the information with you as soon as I will receive response from our development team..

Thanks and Regards,

Mudassir, Hi,

PDF export is very important for my company, and I would really like some timeline I could provide for our product team.
Can you help me out?

Hi Sarah,

I am sorry for the inconvenience. I have discussed the issue with our development team lead. Actually, at the moment the development team is busy with release of new version of Aspose.Slides for Java. Your issue has been scheduled for investigation in Week 30 of 2011. We will share some news after the review is completed by development team.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

Hey guys,

Any news?


Hi Sarah,

I have discussed the issue with our development team. Actually, owing to some priority tasks the issue was unresolved. We have re-scheduled the issue in week 36 of 2011 and will share the information as soon as the issue is resolved.

We are extremely sorry for your inconvenience,

Hi guys,

I want to tell you that we are very unhappy about your level of support to this issue and that we are considering other options.
We found the issue in May and have got nothing but guesses since then from your side, and the issue is still unresolved.
The issue is badly impacting us and our customers and we need to be able to publish a date for final resolution.
Can you commit to a date that I can trust?

Many thanks,

Hi Sarah,

Our development team has investigated the issue and it is in fact not an issue with Aspose.Slides. You are actually missing the True Type fonts in your operating system instance. Please install the True Type fonts used in your presentation in your operating system to get things going on. For your kind reference, please use the try following steps and share with us if you may need any further help in this regard.

mkdir /usr/share/fonts/ttf
mkdir windows
mount /dev/hda1 windows
cd windows/Fonts
cp *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/ttf
cd /usr/share/fonts/ttf
fc-cache -fv

Many Thanks,

Thank you for your help,

This finally works!!


Hi All,

1) Is the issue of font selection is fully programmable in such way that aspose selects ONLY fonts requested by client code? Is it possible that aspose will fail because some unrequested true-type-font is not found on the system?
2) Alternatively, can you advise about list of TTF sufficient for safe run of aspose/pdf/linux/java.


Hi Leonid,

One need to install those TrueType fonts in their Operating System instance that are actually used in the presentation. Unfortunately, I cannot suggest the list of TrueType fonts but there may be some default set of TrueType font available. But again, those fonts are must needed that are used in your presentation but are not installed in your Operating System.

Many Thanks,


Please, answer ASAP on this issue as it’s very important for us:
<a href="

Given the pdf file creation crushes apparently on TTF availability on the system, I have to ask:

1) Is the issue of font selection is fully programmable in such way that aspose selects ONLY fonts requested by client code?
2) Is it possible that aspose will fail because some unrequested true-type-font is not found on the system?
3) Alternatively, can you advise about list of TTF sufficient for safe run of aspose/pdf/linux/java.


Hi Leonid,

Thanks for using our products. As far as I can see, the issue is related to PPT to PDF, so I believe our team of experts taking care of Aspose.Slides would be in better position to answer this query. Please be patient and spare us little time. Soon you will be updated with the status of correction. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Hi Lenoid,

I have shared the questions requested by you and have received the response. Below please find the answers of your questions in order they were questioned.

  1. Yes, font selection is fully programmable but Aspose.Slides can substitute missed font to Arial.
  2. Yes, it is possible in case of converting presentation to PDF.
  3. You can use Windows True Type Fonts as per license agreements.
Many Thanks,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-28613) have been fixed in this update.

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