Number list issue or formatting issue?


I have 2 different situations which are somewhat related

I am comparing these 2 documents (TEST LIB [document 1] to TEST AV [document 2]) to HTML

The result without having any compare options (simple compare) would give the wrong number list for some reason. Using the ignoreFormatting method for compare options and set to true would resolve this issue


Another issue would appear if I use ignoreFormatting

Comparing 2 other documents (0310_TEST [document 1] to 20-003_TEST [document 2]) to HTML

With ignoreFormatting to false, this would give the correct output
But if ignoreFormatting is set to true, it shows a funky output

What would be the cause for these outputs?

0310_TEST.docx (29.4 KB)
20-003_TEST.docx (29.0 KB)
TEST LIB.docx (30.1 KB)
TEST AV.docx (28.5 KB)

@Parest As I can see Aspose.Words compare result is the same as MS Word compare result if save document as DOCX (TEST LIB.docx and TEST AV):
MS Word: ms.docx (38.5 KB)
Aspose.Words: out.docx (27.1 KB)

You should note that compare result is represented using revisions in the output document. Unfortunately, HTML format does not allow to preserve revisions the same way as they are exported to MS Word documents. This is due to significant difference in MS Word and HTML document models.

Regarding the second pair of document. I see the comparison result does not match MS Word output.

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Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-27126

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Hello @alexey.noskov

For both examples, is that assuming that ignoreFormatting is true?

Comparing 0310_Test.docx to 20-003-TEST.docx will show the correct output only if ignoreFormatting is false, if it is true then we get the wrong output

And is it also possible to track the issue WORDSNET-27126?

@Parest In both case I have used default compare options. So ignoreFormatting is false.

You can see the issue status at the bottom of this page.