Number Of charts in Work sheet


I am Using Aspose version

How many number of charts can I keep in worksheet ata a time using Aspose.

I mean is there any limit for charts.

Please suggest on this.



Thanks for using Aspose.Cells.

No, as far I know, there is no limitation to the number of charts that you can create in the worksheets using Aspose.Cells.

However, it could be possible that Ms-Excel might have such limitation in which case Aspose.Cells will also be consistent with Ms-Excel.


No, there is no limit set forced by Aspose.Cells. It should be equal to the number of charts as MS Excel allows. Moreover, the more you add charts, formatting and other binary objects etc. in the worksheet, the more you would need resources.

Also, since you are using some older version of the product, we recommend you to kindly upgrade to latest version (i.e. v7.3.1). We have enhanced the product regarding features, performance, and stability etc. over the years. Also, there would be lots of new features included for Excel 2007 and 2010.

Thank you.